
Head Coach: Margie Edge LTA Level 3

Margie comes from a sporty background having represented New Zealand in Hockey. Her career as a P.E and Maths Teacher at High Schools has stood her in good stead for coaching. Margie has played tennis at County level in New Zealand and Senior County Level in the UK. Margie still plays in many Club competitions and in doubles at Masters ITF tournaments.

James Eggleton: LTA Level 3

James reached No. 30 nationally at the U14 level and then played for Middlesex U12 and U14. He then went on to represent the Southeast region U14 team. James now plays for the OA's Men's 1st team and the OA's Autumn Datchworth Division 1 team.

Junior Coaching

Tots 3-4yrs

Tots use sponge balls to learn the basics and how to enjoy the game through a series of fun activities based on the fundamental areas of balance, coordination, agility, movement, and ball and racket skills. Activities are done either without nets or with the use of mini tennis nets.

Mini Red 5-8yrs

The emphasis is on the fundamentals of movement, balance, coordination, and agility. Players learn the rules of tennis and develop the basics of good technique and tactics in an active and fun environment. Mini Reds play across the width of a standard court, mini tennis nets are used and the balls are softer and slower.

Orange 8-9 yrs and Green 9-10yrs

Mini Orange tennis is played on a 3/4 length court with a soft orange ball and is used for the younger of this age group, 8-9yr olds. Mini Green tennis is played on a full-size court but the green balls are still lighter than the full-court yellow balls. The older end of this age group will play with the green ball.

At this stage there is a focus on the technical and tactical aspects of the game: grips, serves, returns, swing shapes, footwork patterns, and basic patterns of match play.

Players will be introduced to utility shots ie overheads, drop shots, and lobs. As with Mini Red, there is huge importance on players being in an active and fun environment

Young Yellow 11-14yrs and Yellow Improvers 14-17yrs

This age group plays on the full court with the yellow ball. The focus is on the consolidation of all the aspects at the orange and green stages played on the full-sized court.

There is added emphasis on depth, spin, direction, shot selection, anticipation, and different patterns of match play. Players at this level will know the rules, and how to play and score in singles and doubles.

As with the mini red, orange, and green players, there continues to be strong importance on players at this level being in an active and fun environment. Tennis is a game for life!

Junior Holiday Camps

To book online please click here

Adult Coaching

Tennis Express

Tennis Express is all about meeting other players and having fun while getting to grips with the basics - and is a great way to get yourself out on the court.

Aimed at adults who are either new to the game, a little rusty or just want to improve on their current level, in each weekly session skills will gently be built in an active and fun environment. Courses are 6 weeks long and operated via our online booking system. To book online, please click here

Individual Coaching

Bookings are for 1 hour or 90 minutes. Rate is £30 per hour.

To book, contact Margie: 07946 225 557 James: 07395 034 143